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Aug 4, 2011

Betrothal! Andy and Kammie

For this shoot we took a trip down to the ol' farm and had plenty of fun in the river and the fields. Check it out:


  1. NICE. Awesome shots! Love the ones in the barn with the lantern!

  2. Very nice Drew, love the photography and they look like a very nice couple.

  3. That's my daughter and future son-in-law! What a couple!

  4. Thanks For Sharing Drew... They Are A cute couple ...I Wish Them Love & Happiness For A Life Time...


  5. Very nice pictures. You must be very proud. Wish them much happiness. cnii member coconut

  6. What wonderful photos. This will be the beginning of a life time of love, joy and giving. Marriage is the hardest job you will ever do but having said that it is the most rewarding. Remember to give more than you take, love with all you have, never go to bed angry, say the Lord's Prayer together before you go to sleep that way any anger will disapate and you way those wonderful words. Before you speak make sure that it is not in anger, words spoken in anger can be destructive and you can never take them back no matter how much you may want to. God bless you both may find you grow in love and understanding with every year. May our Heavenly Father be the foundation on which you build your home for this will give you sold rock on which to build. Paula Battle

  7. These pictures are precious. I wish them a lifetime of love and happiness. And tell them to ALWAYS be kind to each other.

  8. I can hear the proud voice of the father Andrew, but for sure the are a lovely couple and I wish them all the best for there future. Those happy moments will stay a life time .

  9. Hi Andrew...Are you still on Compumatrix>
    Nola Gabbard
